
Overweight and Anorexic – How it Happens, How to Help
A person can be both overweight and anorexic. A focus on weight alone is misleading as a signal to seek treatment, because a person’s near-

Anorexia: What You Need to Know About the Deadliest Mental Health Disorder
Anorexia has the highest death rate of any mental disorder says the NIH. That’s why I want more people to know about eating disorders, and

How to Rekindle a Marriage or Relationship: Part 2
How can you rekindle a marriage or relationship? When you think, “there’s no emotional connection,” it really hurts. It’s only human to spring into action.

How to Bring Intimacy Back Into A Relationship: Part 1
Couples want to know what to do when the spark fades in their marriage or committed partnership. How can a couple that is struggling bring

How to Keep Your Love Secure When You Argue
For a relationship to feel good, both partners need to feel safe in each other’s care. They need to talk through what problems come up,

How to Manage Feelings With Perspective-Taking
The way you look at things — your perspective — has a lot to do with your mental health and happiness. Abraham Lincoln said, “Most

Radical Acceptance: An Underrated Source of Wellbeing and Growth
Radical acceptance is the ability to fully open yourself to your experience. Radical acceptance allows you to recognize what hurts, no matter what it is

This Grounding Technique Can Help You Feel In Control of Your Life
When people come into my office, often they’re highly stressed. Some are even bouncing with anxiety because too many things feel out of their control.

How to Keep Love Growing in a Relationship
“Love has a kind of magic. It’s able to do amazing things.” That’s what researcher Dr. John Gottman said about great friendships and love relationships,

How to Help a Struggling Teen Who’s Resistant to Therapy
You may have decided to get your teen into counseling because an issue has you concerned. But your teen is resistant to therapy. It doesn’t

Family Therapy: You Don’t Need a Crisis to Benefit
“Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying

The Purpose of Marriage: To Be Your Safety and Support System First
Three relationship experts share their findings about the purpose of marriage for strength, safety and belonging. Drs. John Gottman, Sue Johnson, and Stan Tatkin have