
How to Exercise During Covid When You Don’t Want to Work Out Alone
If you enjoy team sports as an adult, you’re probably missing the fun and exercise with friends and teammates. I know I do. I miss

This is How Men with Depression Are Helping Each Other
We’re being more mindful of depression in these challenging times. We may watch for common signs of depression in people we know, whether they’re women

What’s Online Therapy Like? Is It Really Effective?
Do you wonder about working with a therapist from your home? More therapists are offering online therapy. It’s a safe way to limit the risk

These Are Our Top Picks For Calm and Connection at Home
We are going through a difficult time right now. Okay, that’s an understatement. You are worried about a lot of things right now – your

3 Ways Families Boost Emotional Health In Uncertain Times
What is the role of family in maintaining good mental health? While no family is perfect, home is often where we first feel the benefits

Signs Your Child Needs Counseling and What to Do
Doing your best as a parent isn’t easy. The baby you love can wear you down after crying longer than expected. Your toddler’s behavior can

This Will Get Better: The Surprising Benefits of Delayed Gratification
What happens when we can’t do what we want right now? It’s natural to feel angry, frustrated or resentful. Your power to handle disappointment well

How Does Social Media Affect Teenagers? A Parent’s Guide To Influencers
Teenage years are an important time for teens to form new relationships. Some of these relationships include social media influencers. Teens want to fit in

How to Get Free From Beliefs That Keep You Stuck with EMDR
Many of us deal with tremendous stress every day. Too much stress can damage our sense of wellbeing. We may struggle with a relationship, a

11 Common Questions about Healing Trauma with EMDR
You can probably think of a time when you were truly terrified. If you can recall it calmly now that’s a good sign you’ve healed

How to Help Older Children and Teens Manage Emotions
When children are little, parents have lots of control over their activities and choices. Parents can directly impact what happens when children act out or

How to Help Young Children Manage Emotions Without Leaving Emotional Scars
One of the biggest — and toughest — jobs parents have is helping children manage strong emotions. When our child is acting out or has