holiday connections

Holiday Cards and Connections: When You Want to Renew Old Ties

  • Don’t broadly send holiday cards and hope for the best.
  • Do give the gift of time and connection. Consider calling people you haven’t been in touch with lately.

People have a wide range of feelings about exchanging holiday cards and annual news letters. One couple explains they welcome getting holiday cards and family letters “because to have something to open that’s not a bill is just nice.” They like especially seeing pictures of children they haven’t seen in a long time.

Others admit that receiving a copy of a letter listing each family member’s accomplishments seems like bragging and it “drives them nuts.”

What Has Meaning For You?

Underneath whatever the level of detail or pride, is the message that someone is still thinking about us, and cares enough to reach out across the miles.

It usually means a lot to a person to be remembered in some way, even during the holidays. Think about what another person’s offer of connection means to you, especially if it’s unexpected. If you haven’t been in touch with someone you care about lately, the holidays can be a good time to reach out with your warm wishes and good will. What gives connection meaning for you?

Being Cared About Feels Good, Even Out of the Blue

Even if it’s out of the blue, a phone call feels more personal than a letter to many people. It is a one-to-one effort that says you care and want to keep in touch. Your message can be as simple as taking time to show you care, and to tell your family, friends and distant loved ones that they are in your thoughts.

This is #8, When You Want to Renew old Ties, From: 11 Holiday Stresses, and What to Do Instead.

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